Premium IPTV Streaming Services

Device Maintenance

the best iptv service

Premium IPTV Streaming Services

Device care is VERY IMPORTANT.


You have to remember that Firesticks/Cubes have a relatively small memory and can become slow over time, it is our recommendation that you follow these instructions at least once per week in order to maintain a good stream.

You should also clear the cache on your router at least once per week.

Should you experience difficulties with your live stream it is IMPORTANT that before raising a support ticket, you check out our FAQ’s and follow the tutorials on this page,.

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Elite Streams Premium IPTV Streaming Services

How To Clear Cache And Maintain Your Firestick/Cube

How To Clear Cache And Maintain Your Smart TV

How To Clear Cache And Maintain Your Set Top Box (STB)

WiFi Routers

We advise you to reboot your router at least once per week, this is very simple to do but is essential for faster internet speeds. To do this simply disconnect your router from the electrical socket for approximately 1 minute (make sure you disconnect from the wall and NOT the back of the router) After 1 minute, reconnect and your router will reboot with a clean cache.

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